Working With the NM-FARM Team
No Accountant? Collaborate with our team.
Regardless of whether you're a pen and paper kind of person or utilize electronic spreadsheets, we can assist in developing, submitting, and utilizing your financial records for benchmarking through this program.
**Producers decide the extent of financial data they want to include for analysis.
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Statement of Owner's Equity
- Statement of Cash Flows
To recieve assistance with building your financial statements, contact the NM-FARM team or view additional material located on our TOOLS page.
After Financial Statements Are Complete
Step 2: A signed copy of the Permission Form for NMSU Assisted Submission to Benchmark
Step 3: Complete all relevant New Mexico Farm Attributes Checklists that apply to your type of enterprise. (Checklists are used for organizing types of production enterprises and sorting search criteria in FINBIN).
New Mexico Farm Attributes Checklists
New Mexico Farm Attributes Checklist_NM Specific Programs
Additionally, complete all listed checklists specific to your production type.
Step 4: Complete the relevant FINPACK Budgets Input Forms: Benchmarking is reported on a per-unit basis. For example, livestock expenses are reported per head, crop expenses are reported per-acre. These forms allow expenses reported for tax purposses to be utilized for the benchmarking program.
The Budgets Input Forms from the FINPACK Knowledge Base created by The Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesota are linked below.
FINPACK Livestock Budgets Input Form
FINPACK Crop Budgets Input Form
Step 5: Complete the Prepay Adjustments Input Form (Necessary to make tax information consistent with benchmarking program)
Financial statements and the above listed documents are to be submitted directly to the NM-FARM team to allow for submission into FINPACK by our team.
Please compile all forms into a folder and submit through email at
Contact Our Team with any questions.